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STEM Academy & Conference Center at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Con-Real has provided Preconstruction and Construction Services for Phase 1 of new construction of the $6 Million, 28,975 SF two-story building to house the STEM Academy. The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Academy has a particular emphasis on helping to increase the pool of well-prepared, underrepresented minorities in STEM majors and careers. These disciplines include: chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, biology, plant and animal sciences, and industrial technology. The new building includes infusion of green concepts in its design and construction. Space will be provided for a wet lab, computer lab, class/seminar rooms, student resource center, conference rooms and an 8,000 sq. ft. auditorium for large assemblies. This project is aiming for a Silver LEED Certification.


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